Sunday, October 24, 2010

Look What We Got!!!

          We realized most parents have trouble when it comes to Parents- Teacher Conference. Moreover, the Parent- Teacher Conference is the time where parent and teacher discuss things concerning the child. Some parents become nervous when it comes to Parents- Teacher Conference as; they do not know what to do and how to prepare for a Parent-Teacher Conference.

Here are some Useful Tips We found That Could Help You as Parent During A Parents- Teacher Conference:

 1. Be on time
Get off to the right start: come to the conference on time. Remember that other parents may also have conferences scheduled for that day; if you arrive late, you have may missed your conference altogether. You should also plan on ending the conference at the scheduled time so that other parents can start their conference on time.

2.Be yourself
Relax and be yourself. Remember that you and the teacher both the want the same thing: the very best for your child.

3. Stay calm
Stay calm during the conference. Respectful communication will be the most effective way to work together with your child's teacher. Getting angry or upset during the conference will make it very difficult to have a positive conversation.

4. Ask for explanations of anything you don't understand
Listen carefully to what the teacher says. If you don't understand something that the teacher talks about (such as an educational term or an explanation of a school policy), don't be afraid to ask for clarification. It is important for you to understand what your child's teacher is telling you.

5. Ask the most important questions early in the conference
Ask the most important questions first as you may run out of time, especially if other parents are waiting to have their conference after yours. You can always schedule another meeting with the teacher to cover any points you didn't cover.

6. Respectfully discuss differences of opinion
If you disagree with the teacher, respectfully explain why you disagree. If you don't let the teacher know about your differences of opinion, the teacher may think that you agree and will move on to the next topic. Discussing your differences with the teacher may help both of you find a more effective way to help your child.

7. Create an action plan
Ask your child's teacher for specific suggestions of ways that you can help your child at home with homework, reading, organization, routines, behavioral issues, etc. Make sure you understand the teacher's suggestions, and ask for clarification if you don't. This list of suggestions will become the action plan. Establish a way to keep track of the child's progress, as well as the best way to stay in touch with your child's teacher — through phone calls, emails, notes, or meetings. Review the action plan with the teacher as you end the conference to make sure that you both have the same expectations.

8. Thank the teacher for meeting with you
Thank the teacher for her time and support of your child, as well as for anything specific that she has done to help your child.

Our Visit to The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM)

What We Liked the Most was The Way the Teacher carried out the activities at this center:
 As the  activity were carried out very neatly and organized. The teacher’s been very observant and alert at all times with the children. Besides that, the teachers make sure to lock the room to avoid the children from running out of the class. Moreover, the child did the flash card activity was sitting down on the teacher table with the main teacher. The teacher arranged 3 different numbers of flashcard on the table that is number 8, 3 and 1. Then, the teachers repeatedly ask the child to pick up number 8 for her. The child had to pick up the number 8 and give to the teacher. Meanwhile, the rest of the children were seated on table arrangement like a square shape with the assistant teacher and the children who were doing different activities such as play time activity, staking activity, putting coins in the bottles. They will doing with it without any trouble. Expect the child with the worksheet activity. She  got a bit restless and refuse to continue writing. Then, the teacher quickly change to another activity that is by giving the child alphabets to play with. The child took the letter “G” on her and said Region.
     Here Are Some of Pictures Of the Activities:
    The Flash Card Session
    The Girl doing Worksheet
    The Play Time
    Putting Coins in The Bottle
    Staking According to Numbers
    The  environment of  NASOM center:
    The Playground
    Badminton Court and Assembly Area
    The Obstacle Course Area
    The Entrance to the Classroom
    Transportation Provided
    Mini Gym
    Play Room
    Awards Received by the Centre
    Swimming Pool
     Our Reflection:
    When I went to NASOM centre, I found that some of the children are able to learn or play like normal children. The difference is, their teachers have to spend more energy and times to teach or guide them. What I observed is, most of them learned about fine motor and writing skill. I realized that they are able to hold the pencil and listen to instruction. I also found that they did not have behavior problem like screaming and running around the classroom. Most of them can even give eye contact to us when we visited their classroom. Besides that, they never feel scared to approach us and even showed curiosity towards the camera that, when we were snapping their photos.  Therefore, in my opinion, they can be considered as high functioning autism children and the children are well trained by the teachers. When the supervisor told us that, there are few more children with autism are applying to enter NASOM centre, I was shocked because this centre has received 86 children, but there  are still  some children with autism  waiting to be enroll. There are too many children  with  autism in our country who are waiting for an appropriate education and need help from us. Unfortunately, NASOM cannot receive them because lack of knowledgeable and qualified teacher in that field. As we know, not every teacher has willingness to work children with special need .

    Tuesday, October 19, 2010

    Just a Video on My Nephew

    Here are few pictures and videos below on my nephew that, I captured and
    combined to make this video. Hope that you will enjoy watching it.

          My nephew just turn one year old. It is really exciting to watch him explore the world around him through 
    play. I believe children are active
    players. I believe they remember things more effectively when they play and
    learn. Jean Piaget says play provides opportunities for many types of learning
    in young children with emphasis on developing representational language and
    thought (Jackman, H.L, 2009). Erik Erikson emphasized that importance of play
    in helping children develop cooperative relationship and gain mutual trust (Jackman,
    H.L, 2009). I also believe that we shouldn’t force children to do something
    they dislike. 
    I believe teacher should teach
    children in a spacious environment and away from distraction. This includes
    indoor environment and outdoor environment. ‘’ The environment is a stage on
    which children plays outs the theme of childhood’’ their interests, triumphs,
    problems and concerns’’ (Jackman, H.L, 2009). You can see in the video, I let my nephew experience indoor and outdoor play such as playing wit pots and pans, water play using swimming pool and etc.


    Jackman, H.L. (2009). Early Education Curriculum (4th ed.). United States of America: Thomson Delmar Learning.

    Sunday, October 17, 2010

    Our Reflection and Benefit of play & Some appropriate toys for children.

     Our Reflection:
       Play is a very effective for kids to learn. I believe that play often stimulate the learning to be more interesting and  fun allowing the children to be active participation.As, we have learn in our theory. Piaget's Cognitive Theory which agrees that children best learn through play. Although, play is an effective method that can let children absorb knowledge fast. Play should have a balance of concrete materials, worksheet and active involvement. The ability to let children learn to play could  make them achieve their full potential. Moreover, we can include technology into play. This will make the child's learning more fun and exciting. Not only that, as our country is rapidly involving technology. The exposure to technology using play will be benefit as children gain a knowledge and experience to use technology properly such as computer, camera and so on.

    Not only that,play is an effective way to enhance the child's PILES development, which is physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social development. However, there are not many toys or materials are appropriate for any child.  Thus, parents and teachers  have an important role of selecting the play materials for the children according to their needs, interest and age. Therefore, we have attach an article below which shows some appropriate toys that, parent  and teachers can use for their child's learning.We can also integrate technology issues into child's learning process. For example, we can use video camera to record the process of children learn through play. It can be used as a review for children, parents or even teachers to see what they have learned before and their strength or weakness. Then, as adult we can refer on these information and evaluate our lesson. We can also scaffold the child to achieve their full potential.

    Here is article we found interesting about the benefit of play and Ways to Select Appropriate Toys for Children

    Why Is Play Important?
    Through play, children learn about themselves and the world around them. It helps children understand their environment and gives them a chance to learn and to practice new skills. Here are just a few examples of what your child learns and practices every time he/she plays:

    ©The ability to problem-solve
    ©The ability to think logically
    ©Ways to communicate/interact with others
    ©Socially acceptable behaviors
    ©The ability to adapt to situations

    What Toys Are Appropriate?
    Toys should be appropriate for the child's age and abilities; too much difficulty causes frustration and misused toys are potentially hazardous. Toys should help children:
    1. Explore2. Invent
    3. Create
    4. Test out their skills
    5. Show off
    6. Stretch their physical limits
    7. Fantasize
    8. Role-play
    9. Act protectively to something less powerful than themselves
    For Example:
    • Blocks: Wooden blocks, Legos, Duplos, Lincoln Logs, or wood scrapes of different sizes, shapes, and colors.
    • Dolls, Puppets, and Stuffed Animals: With clothes and blankets (Barbie is good for children 6 or 7 years old).
    • Domestic Props: Play food, money, tools cash register, dress up clothes, play (get play clothes, jewelry, and shoes at garage sales).
    • Puzzles: Simple 4-10 pieces, sewing cards, beads to string (spools and cereal make good beads).
    • Books: Picture books, poems, nursery rhymes, tapes, tape recorders, and magazines.
    • Climbing, Jumping, Riding Toys: Tricycle, big wheel, swing, Nerf balls.
    Stringing, Pouring, Cutting, Drawing Things: Water, sand, birdseed, rice, clay, funnels, cake pans, scissors, and glue sticks.

      Why Play is Important. (1997).  Retrieved
              October     20,     2010,    from

    20 Ways You Can Get Involve in Your Child's Learnings

                                                      Our Thoughts:
    Nowadays most of the parents do not realize their responsibility and the importance to be engaged in  the  their child's learning at  home and at school. There are some parents who have  the willingness to help their child but they do not have direct information provided for them to know how to help their children .Therefore, this article  provides useful ideas for parents.There are simple instruction and clear information in this article for parents to refer on it.I believe this article can be a good guideline for parent who are looking for ideas to work with their children learning.

    20 Ways You Can Help Your Children Succeed in School

    By: Colorín Colorado (2008)
    As a parent, you are your child's first and most important teacher. When parents and families are involved in their children's schools, the children do better and have better feelings about going to school. In fact, many studies show that what the family does is more important to a child's school success than how much money the family makes or how much education the parents have. There are many ways that parents can support their children's learning at home and throughout the school year.

    Here are some ideas to get you started!

    *Develop a partnership with your child's teachers and school staff

    1. Meet your child's teacher
    2. Get to know who's who at your child's school
    3. Attend parent-teacher conferences and keep in touch with your child's teacher

    *Support your child academically!!!

    4. Find out how your child is doing.
    5. Apply for special services if you think your child may need it.
    6. Make sure that your child gets homework done.
    7. Find homework help for your child if needed. 
    8. Help your child prepare for tests. 

    *Get involved with your child's school!!!

    9. Learn what the school offers. 
    10. Volunteer at your child's school and/or join your school's parent-teacher group. 

    *Get informed and be an advocate for your child!!!

    11. Ask questions.
    12. Learn about your rights.
    13. Let the school know your concerns. 

    *Support your child's learning at home!!!

    14. Demonstrate a positive attitude about education to your children.
    15. Monitor your child's television, video game, and Internet use.
    16. Encourage your child to read. 
    17. Talk with your child.
    18. Encourage your child to use the library.
    19. Encourage your child to be responsible and work independently.
    20. Encourage active learning. 

    How to Help a Child With Autism and Our Reflection

     Having a Child with Autism and Wondering How to Help Them!!

    Here a Video Just For You To Help Your Child with Autism:

                                                                  Our View:

     I was  watching videos in Youtube relating to children and I came across this video. I felt it was very informative and interesting to at as it showed ways to help children with autism. I believe children with autism are unique and capable of doing what other normal children can do but in a slower pace. Therefore, I would say rather than sympathizing on children with autism or any other disabilities. We should put effort in helping them. Although, it cannot be cured. We can at least help them by teaching by using different ways that are shown in the video such as; the TEACH method, direct teaching and so on.  We have a basic understanding of this methods  as; we learned it in one of the subject in our course called Special Needs for Young Children. We currently learned in our  Montessori class which is the practical life now known as Everyday Living Skills which teaches basic skills in living. For example, pouring water from one jug to the other, buttoning, threading and so on. There are also other areas in Montessori such as Mathematics, Sensorial Area and etc.  This methods can also be used on children with autism and other disabilities. As the founder of the Montessori Approach who is Maria Montessori. She actually created all her materials to help children with special needs. Although, she did it for children with special needs; normal children can also use the method in learning.
          There are certain babies who are born in this world with some disabilities. Therefore, we believe each of us have the responsibility to help such children. For example, children with autism. We should not be judgmental on these children that, they are not capable of doing anything. As they really need help from us to achieving their needs or potential and expanding their interest and knowledge about the world around them. Responsibility should be shared among us. On the other hand, the above animated video which share the information about children with autism in interesting way. People will be more attract on picture information rather than word information and easily to remember or understand the contents through gather information by visually. Therefore, by viewing the video; you can get some information on how to help children with autism.

    Effect Of Video Games and Tips for Parents Concerning Video Games/Television Shows

    video games cartoons, video games cartoon, video games picture, video games pictures, video games image, video games images, video games illustration, video games illustrations
                                  Here's What I Think About Video Games:
     As we know, video games is the favourite way for most of the children to spend their free time. Some parents also use video games as a babysitter for their child when they are busy in their working life. However, isn't video games good for children? In my view video game is really a nice tool for kids but I believe sometimes it is depending on the situation and an individual who is keeping in touch with it. This article link below have shown effective result and analysis about the effect of video games towards children. This shows parents have responsibility in helping the children while the children are engage in video games and it will influence the effect of the video games effectively. For example, as the adult we can, carefully choose the types of games for the children, limit the time of playing with it and adult intervention with children is the best way. The most important thing is change our perspective about video games. The video games can be use in a positive way to help children learn knowledge and skill from it.


     Tips for Parent When it Comes to Video Games/ Television Shows:

    • Look for age-appropriate programs and games. Think about your child's age and choose the types of things that you want him to see, learn, and imitate.
    • Look for TV shows and video games that:
          — teach your child something
          — hold his interest
          — encourage him to listen and question
          — help him learn more words
          — make him feel good about himself
          — introduce him to new ideas and things.
    • Limit the time your child spends watching TV and playing video games. Keep a record of how many hours your child spends watching TV and playing video games each week, as well as what he is watching or playing. For example, some experts recommend that children limit their TV watching to no more than 2 hours a day. Remember that watching TV and playing video games are not substitutes for activities, such as reading, playing with friends, spending time outside, making projects, and talking with family members, which are important to his development.
    • Learn about current TV children's programs, DVDs, and video games, and help your child to select good ones. Many good children's television programs are available on public television stations and on children's cable channels, and many of those programs also offer related educational video or computer games.
    • Look for educational shows and games. There are many children's programs, movies, music performances, and games that emphasize reading, language, and math skills.
    • Talk to your child about what interests him. After selecting programs or games that are appropriate for your child, help him decide which ones interest him. When watching television, turn on the TV when one of these programs starts and turn it off when the program ends.
    • Watch TV and play the games with your child, so that you can answer questions and talk about what he sees. Pay special attention to how he responds, so that you can help him to understand what he's seeing. Try to point out the things that are part of your child's everyday life.
    • When you can't watch TV with your child or monitor his video game use, spot check to see what he's watching and playing. Ask questions after the program ends. See what excites or troubles him. Find out what he has learned and remembered.
    • Go to the library and find books that explore the themes of the shows and games he's enjoying. Help your child to use his drawings or pictures cut from magazines to make a book based on the programs and games he is using.
    • Follow-up TV viewing or game playing with activities. Have your child tell you a new word that he learned from a TV program. Together, look up the word in a dictionary and talk about its meaning. Have him make up his own story about one of his favorite characters from his video games.
    • Make certain that TV and video games aren't used as a babysitter. Instead, balance these forms of entertainment with other enjoyable activities for your child.
    • Model good TV viewing habits. Remember that children often imitate their parents' behavior. Children who live in homes in which parents and other family members watch a lot of TV are likely to spend their time in the same way. Children who live in homes in which parents and other family members have "quiet" time away from the TV when they read (either alone to each other), talk to each other, play games or engage in other activities tend to do the same.