Sunday, October 17, 2010

How to Help a Child With Autism and Our Reflection

 Having a Child with Autism and Wondering How to Help Them!!

Here a Video Just For You To Help Your Child with Autism:

                                                              Our View:

 I was  watching videos in Youtube relating to children and I came across this video. I felt it was very informative and interesting to at as it showed ways to help children with autism. I believe children with autism are unique and capable of doing what other normal children can do but in a slower pace. Therefore, I would say rather than sympathizing on children with autism or any other disabilities. We should put effort in helping them. Although, it cannot be cured. We can at least help them by teaching by using different ways that are shown in the video such as; the TEACH method, direct teaching and so on.  We have a basic understanding of this methods  as; we learned it in one of the subject in our course called Special Needs for Young Children. We currently learned in our  Montessori class which is the practical life now known as Everyday Living Skills which teaches basic skills in living. For example, pouring water from one jug to the other, buttoning, threading and so on. There are also other areas in Montessori such as Mathematics, Sensorial Area and etc.  This methods can also be used on children with autism and other disabilities. As the founder of the Montessori Approach who is Maria Montessori. She actually created all her materials to help children with special needs. Although, she did it for children with special needs; normal children can also use the method in learning.
      There are certain babies who are born in this world with some disabilities. Therefore, we believe each of us have the responsibility to help such children. For example, children with autism. We should not be judgmental on these children that, they are not capable of doing anything. As they really need help from us to achieving their needs or potential and expanding their interest and knowledge about the world around them. Responsibility should be shared among us. On the other hand, the above animated video which share the information about children with autism in interesting way. People will be more attract on picture information rather than word information and easily to remember or understand the contents through gather information by visually. Therefore, by viewing the video; you can get some information on how to help children with autism.

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