This blog is created by us Stefy and Joanne. The main purpose of our blog is to write about our experiences and also our views on articles, videos and pictures relates to early childhood as well. Moreover, this blog is also part of our assignment requirement. We hope that it would be informative to you guys who are reading as well. Enjoy our blog and feel free to leave your comments.:)
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Our Visit to The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM)
What We Liked the Most was The Way the Teacher carried out the activities at this center:
As the activity were carried out very neatly and organized. The teacher’s been very observant and alert at all times with the children. Besides that, the teachers make sure to lock the room to avoid the children from running out of the class. Moreover, the child did the flash card activity was sitting down on the teacher table with the main teacher. The teacher arranged 3 different numbers of flashcard on the table that is number 8, 3 and 1. Then, the teachers repeatedly ask the child to pick up number 8 for her. The child had to pick up the number 8 and give to the teacher. Meanwhile, the rest of the children were seated on table arrangement like a square shape with the assistant teacher and the children who were doing different activities such as play time activity, staking activity, putting coins in the bottles. They will doing with it without any trouble. Expect the child with the worksheet activity. She got a bit restless and refuse to continue writing. Then, the teacher quickly change to another activity that is by giving the child alphabets to play with. The child took the letter “G” on her and said Region.
Here Are Some of Pictures Of the Activities:
The Flash Card Session
The Girl doing Worksheet
The Play Time
Putting Coins in The Bottle
Staking According to Numbers
The environment of NASOM center:
The Playground
Badminton Court and Assembly Area
The Obstacle Course Area
The Entrance to the Classroom
Transportation Provided
Mini Gym
Play Room
Awards Received by the Centre
Swimming Pool
Our Reflection:
When I went to NASOM centre, I found that some of the children are able to learn or play like normal children. The difference is, their teachers have to spend more energy and times to teach or guide them. What I observed is, most of them learned about fine motor and writing skill. I realized that they are able to hold the pencil and listen to instruction. I also found that they did not have behavior problem like screaming and running around the classroom. Most of them can even give eye contact to us when we visited their classroom. Besides that, they never feel scared to approach us and even showed curiosity towards the camera that, when we were snapping their photos. Therefore, in my opinion, they can be considered as high functioning autism children and the children are well trained by the teachers. When the supervisor told us that, there are few more children with autism are applying to enter NASOM centre, I was shocked because this centre has received 86 children, but there are still some children with autism waiting to be enroll. There are too many children with autism in our country who are waiting for an appropriate education and need help from us. Unfortunately, NASOM cannot receive them because lack of knowledgeable and qualified teacher in that field. As we know, not every teacher has willingness to work children with special need .
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